On the the second last saturday the world’s largest e-mobility rally started in Brugg.

Already in the afternoon the first guests entered the area of the FHNW to inspect the various electric vehicles. In the early evening, the participants were welcomed by the President of the Cantonal Council of Aargau, Markus Dieth, and the rally organisers, followed by two exciting presentations by the High-Tech Centre Aargau and PSI.

Equipped with an electric car, a charging station with our PURWILConnect and Alligator HPC high power charging systems and a branded tricycle, we were able to present BRUGG eConnect to the people of Brugg and introduce our products to interested parties.

In summary, a great event with sunny weather and many interested people – we like! 😊

Further information:
(if you look closely, you will even find our charging station on the second picture of the magazine)

Dr. Markus Dieth